If you need to set
the Oracle Services started at STARTUP of Linux you should follow the steps
which are mentioned below. As per your knowledge Oracle on Linux has a file
called oratab which exists in the /etc directory. This oratab file has a Y/N flag to specify to
re-start Oracle at Linux startup time:
STEP 1: St the
oratab autostart column to 'Y' in the /etc/oratab file.
STEP 2. Create the
file named "oracle" in /etc/init.d. This oracle file calls the dbstart
and dbshut routines.
3. Created soft links for init.d:
3. Created soft links for init.d:
ln -s
/etc/init.d/oracle /etc/rc0.d/K10oracle
ln -s /etc/init.d/oracle /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle
ln -s /etc/init.d/oracle /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle
4. Change permissions: chmod 750 /etc/init.d/oracle
5. Run the chkconfig utility to associate the dbora service with the appropriate run levels:
--level 2345 oracle on
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